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How to Eat Clean When Eating Out.

Get into Nandos, and you want the biggest greasiest piece of chicken with all the fries and garlic bread. Next week, next restaurant, you order the triple chocolate fudge cake. Sunday afternoon, you get a deep fried steak. "I mean, why not?" Every night out in the town we tell ourselves it's cheat day; to treat ourselves. This won't count.

But it will. Our focus will be on taking your clean eating habits, outside of your kitchen. When you go to a restaurant, ask yourself "how will I feel after this?" If your go to meal will leave you feeling heavy, uncomfortable and bloated; this is for you. Clean eating is all about choosing a lifestyle with 'minimally processed foods.' The easiest way out is ordering a salad. But that gets extremely boring after a while.

When choosing your protein, go for something baked, or grilled. Rather than the deep fried chicken wings, switch it up and get grilled chicken instead. Replace the fries with brown grains and or vegetables like sweet potatoes or steamed veggies. And maybe get the fruit salad for desert or sweet tea. Rather than getting a bowl of ice-cream, try a bowl of sorbet (non-dairy ice-cream) which is just as sweet and refreshing. This practice will become a habit after time that will leave you feeling proud and satisfied.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for living a free and happy lifestyle free of uncomfortable restrictions that the crazy Hollywood diets pose on us. However, if your cheat day is every other day that becomes a problem. That lifestyle catches up to you. FAST. Diets promote cheat days and for some eating disorders. Days where you indulge in all your cravings. This frequent practice, results in binging which causes you to gain more weight than you ever would before the diet. But why not live a lifestyle of clean eating rather than a diet. Learn how to maintain a lifestyle and not to stick to a diet.

That is what this blog is all about; maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle where you don't feel guilty eating the cookie, or a cupcake. Simply because YOU'RE NOT ON A DIET. This practice starts at home. Substituting white grain for brown, vegetable oil for olive oil, processed meats for fresh and organic meat. This may seem like it's a lot to take in. Well, I assure you that it will all make sense in the upcoming posts. Clean eating is as simple as it gets. Back to basics in prep school science class. Build your food pyramid at all times with clean foods.

See you next post! xx

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