A number of things may cause a breakout. Sometimes it may be a complex matter such as cystic acne. But other times it may be related to your every day habits. The foods you eat or hormone imbalances. Your face is a map, one that is able to navigate you to the causes of your acne. They may not always be related to your face map, but it’s a good habit to practice linking your breakouts to the problems you may be facing that are highlighted in your skin.
The chin and jawline
This is your hormone and diet indicator. As a woman, hormone fluctuations may be caused by a phase in your menstrual cycle. This hormone fluctuation may result in pimples along your jawline and chin. The other indicator is diet. If you often breakout when you take foods with gluten on dairy perhaps, this may cause a breakout. As for men, you do not have monthly hormone fluctuations, but you do have daily hormone fluctuations. On a daily basis, men experience the rise and fall of testosterone.
Testosterone contributes to key health functions in their bodies. Such as regulating sex drive, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength. As the day goes by your testosterone drops. Although, this may not be directly linked to the pimples on your jaw line. Diet is most likely what would be causing a breakout. Start an elimination process to cross out the foods you shouldn’t be eating. This way you will detect what is causing your skin to react. I react to dairy products almost immediately after I have them. Continue with your regular routine and don’t test out new products, you don’t want to irritate your skin. Lastly, pimples on this area tend to be very painful. So, ice it when you can.
The causes of pimples around your T-area may be stress, lack of sleep and possibly touching your face. Often during a stressful period in your life, you may experience pimples coming up around your T-area. This is a sign that your body needs a time out. Take time to breath and cool off. Stress is directly connected to various health issues. When you experience high levels of stress, this outwardly manifests itself through a breakout, or a cold or general illness.
Your hairline is a major culprit of breakouts. If your apply hair products regularly, the product build up and the dirt may be clogging your pores. It isn’t necessary to apply layers and layer of product on your hair. For the health of your hair as well as the health of your skin. Reduce the amount of product and make sure you’re cleaning your hairline when you’re taking a shower.
Your cheeks are a very tricky part of your face. Often, pimples may show up on your skin due to dirt. However, that isn’t always the case. This is the area of skin where a lot of factors come in. But for the purpose of the face map we will talk about the few external causes of pimples on our cheek. The culprit of pimples on your cheeks may be dirty pillows and sheets. Dirty make up brushes or even dirty towels. This may seem obvious, but often we need to remind ourselves of the obvious.
Clean or replace your sheets and towels on a weekly basis. Clean your make up brushes often and refrain from touching your face with dirty hands or at all during the day. Another cause may be a dirty phone. Your phone most likely goes everywhere with you. And maybe even to the bath room, so it definitely needs to be cleaned every evening. Take a wet wipe and clean it off in the evening. Or even better, take a cloth with diluted Dettol, and clean your phone regul