Happy new year lovelies!
I know we’re heading into mid-January but as long as it’s still January the ‘Happy new year’ greeting is bound to appear. This will be the very first blog post of 2019 and I am so excited to put out into the universe that this is my green year. Green is a symbol of growth, health, energy, nature freshness and safety. I am calling this my green year because I want all those words to be part of my mantra for this year. However, I have decided to do things a little differently this year and not have yearly resolutions. Or even long-term resolutions.
I find that I am the kind of person who loves to plan. But when I over-plan, I become overwhelmed by the magnitude of my plans and I become intimidated by my own mind and my own dreams. So, this year I have decided to make short terms goals. Daily goals and daily missions that I will tick off before I go to sleep. In relation to the blog, I will be more active as I have found writing is one of my favourite ways of expressing myself. I will be posting more lifestyle related blogs that will help me stay connected to you all. So that I don’t get caught up in the excitement of the typing I’ll write a list of my goals for this blog and I hope to tick them off each week.
Personal/ lifestyle blogs
Uni experience blog posts
Revision and studying blog posts
Increase the frequency of posting
Being more conversational than informative
Diversifying my content
YouTube channel this year !!
Throughout 2018 I was asked to start a YouTube channel. I took that challenge very seriously over the summer. I compiled videos and vlog series. But I got scared.
Being aware of my faults and insecurities of creating a channel I’m tackling every doubt and obstacle one by one and hope to start a channel this year. But as for now, it’s just me and my words to give you all inspiration on living our healthiest happiest lives.
Okay back to my green year and why I chose green. Being back in the UK has made me realise how important it is to care for yourself. And self-care, not being lighting a few candles, shaving your legs and putting a face mask on which is what we tend to do. I chose to be self-aware in my actions and in my words. I tend to overwork myself and crash during the less busy seasons or holiday times. I used to think that’s how it was meant to be. But as I learn more, I find that as effective as it may seem in the short period of time, it is detrimental to our health in the long term. So, I made a declaration. I will buy a house plant or two every month to mark growth and remind myself of my goals.
I’ve always known that having house plants helps you sleep better at night due to the circulation of air in the room, but I never took it seriously. Having a house plant also reduces stress and gives you time to think about nurturing nature and caring for something on a daily basis other than yourself. At times we get so caught up in how poorly our lives are going or how they could be better. Having the little distraction to think about the health of something that isn’t directly affecting you may help divert your attention from the negative things happening.
Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say, have a great week lovelies! xx